City of Manhattan Beach
Home MenuCommunity Mulch Program
Want Mulch? We have you covered!
FREE Mulch is available at the City's Public Works Yard
The Community Mulch Program started as a pilot project, and is now a program to provide citizens easy access to free organic mulch for their yards and community projects. Providing a local resource in which to easily pickup mulch will provide residents with a sustainable method of maintaining their landscapes, as opposed to the energy-intensive process surrounding store-bought mulch. Organic mulch is an essential component of a water-wise, sustainable garden and helps reduce or eliminate the need for pesticides by promoting soil health, maintaining soil moisture, and assisting in retention of water on-site.
Properties that use mulch on their landscaping can save up to 50% of the water used on traditional landscapes, which on average will save each residential water user 39,270 gallons per year, or $196 in reduced water bills.
Mulch is being delivered, free of charge, to the City Public Works Yard (3621 Bell Avenue) where it is available for residents to pick up and transport to their properties.
Please direct questions to the City's Public Works Department at (310) 802-5313.