Information Technology


Welcome to the Information Technology Department webpage!

The Information Technology (IT) Department supports the City’s mission to provide exemplary municipal services, preserving our small beach town character and enhancing the quality of life for our residents, business, and visitors. We deliver on this commitment through a dedicated and talented IT staff implementing and managing a cost-effective, reliable, resilient, and secure technology environment. The IT Department strives to remain innovative and agile, quickly adapting to technological change and aiding departments in adapting to the changing business and operational environments they face in providing services to the community. We partner with all departments to deliver better technology solutions and improve services for residents, businesses, and the community.

We understand that with technology, change is constant; therefore, the Department must remain focused on continuous improvement of the City’s robust, comprehensive technology environment: end-user computing, servers, storage, networks, printers/scanners/copiers, phone system, etc. The following figure identifies the IT Department’s solution and service framework that supports every department in the City.



The Department includes highly qualified technical staff to deliver the above services. The IT resources bring a vast array of technology and business skills, including systems and network administration, desktop support, systems analysis, process analysis, project management, vendor management, reporting, technology procurement, and broadcasting.

The City strategically sources products and services from proven vendors to further extend skills and expertise. These organizations complement the IT wide range of services to ensure a reliable, high-performing, and secure technology environment.