Water Rebates & Resources

Conserve Water and Money!

Conserving water can help you conserve cash as well!  Rebates are available for both residential and commercial water conservation products.  Check out your opportunities to $ave!

Residential Rebates & Resources

West Basin Municipal Water District offers property owners various rebates for water efficient purchases. Clothes washers, toilets, turf removal, sprinkler nozzles Grass replacementand weather-based irrigation controllers are a few of the rebates being offered through the SoCal Water$mart Program. West Basin also offers incentives for fixing leaks in your home and periodically distributes free rain barrels. Please call the rebate hotline at (888) 376-3314 or email Jenyffer Vasquez for more information on rebate applications, or refer to the City's SoCal Water$mart Program page.

West Basin and Metropolitan Water District also have online, interactive tools that you can utilize to assess your home for grass replacement. With the Calscape Garden Planning tool, you can design your new garden landscape based on several factors such as: the city you live in, your preferred garden style, amount of sunlight received and your priorities as you create your new garden. 

Please visit West Basin Municipal Water District’s website for a full list of conservation programs, classes and rebates.

Commercial Rebates

Businesses and Multi-Family: SoCal Water Smart offers rebates to commercial, industrial, institutional, and multi-family water customers. For detailed information on the high-efficiency devices that qualify for a rebate please visit the SoCal Water Smart page or call the hotline at (888) 376-3314.

The Water Smart program offers water efficiency devices, opportunities for education and information on rebates for appliances. Food steamers, air-cooled ice machines and water efficient dishwashers are a few of the items that are offered in the initiative. 

Commercial and Industrial Water Users: The Be Water Wise Program offers various incentives and resources to reduce water consumption.

For additional information contact the Environmental Sustainability Division at (310) 802-5508.