City Calendar - List View

Concerts in the Park

Hyperion Outfall Serenaders (Dixieland)

Hyperion Outfall Serenaders

It's time for the 33rd annual for the City of Manhattan Beach Summer Concerts in the Park! The Manhattan Beach Concerts in the Park series is an annual, summer-long event held each year at Polliwog Park. It runs from late June through Labor Day weekend and has featured such artists as the Doo-Wah Riders and Lisa Haley and the Zydekats, as well as a host of other talented musicians. These performances are free to the public. There are no dogs, barbecues or wheeled vehicles allowed at any time in the concert area. Your cooperation to keep our parks clean is appreciated.

To see a complete list of the artists and sponsors, please visit the Concerts in the Park webpage.

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