The Manhattan Beach Boulevard Eastbound Left-Turn Improvement at Aviation Boulevard Project is funded by Measure M to improve the eastbound left-turn capacity and reduce the traffic delay at the eastbound direction.
Currently, the eastbound left-turn pocket accommodates approximately 10 queueing cars. Due to the high demand for eastbound left-turning traffic, especially during the peak commuting periods (7-9 am and 4-6 pm), and insufficient storage capacity in the eastbound left-turn lane, vehicles are queued into the number one eastbound through-lane impeding through traffic. The proposed improvement includes elongating the existing eastbound left-turn lane pocket from approximately 200’ to 330’ and the reconstruction of the median island located on MBB west of Aviation Boulevard. This will keep the currently allowed eastbound U-Turn activities.
The proposed improvement at this intersection will relieve the congestion during peak commuting periods and allow smooth traffic flow along MBB, which will ultimately relieve traffic congestion along MBB and Aviation Boulevard traffic corridors.